June 23rd, 2023

Dear St. Monica School Families,

Now that summer has officially arrived, we would like to give you an update regarding our School House Reserve Renovations. Currently, all demolition has been completed, and the contractors have begun framing the walls for the new school office, clinic, and teachers' lounge. Please see the pictures below to view the progress. We know that it may not look like much currently, but the end result will be fantastic.

While the remodeling project is progressing well, the construction crew ran into some unforeseen issues that have slowed down their efforts and require additional work. Some of the issues include: finding steam pipes, columns, and other obstacles behind walls and ceilings, needing to dig deeper into the concrete on the South Portico, leveling the floor between two rooms, and stopping work completely for two days to test for asbestos.

Thankfully, all the issues have been resolved and the asbestos test came back negative. The renovations are projected to be completed in mid-August. The team has been working diligently, and we have enjoyed watching the transition take place so far. 

Overall, the School House Reserve Renovations are progressing and the total cost of the remodel is projected to come in under budget. We will continue to update you on the progress of the School House Reserve during the summer and cannot wait to show you the end result at the beginning of the school year.

Pace Bene,

Emily Friday                         Phil LaRosa
Interim Principal                Director of Operations

New School Entrance - Exterior

New School Entrance - Interior

New School Office - Reception Office

New School Office - Assistant Principal’s Office

New School Office - Clinic

New Teachers’ Lounge

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