St. Monica School Partnership with

Just One More Ministry (JOMM)

Dear St. Monica Parish Members and School Families,

During the season of Lent, we increased our focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  When we think of giving freely and without expectation, this can mean giving of our time, giving of our talents, and giving of resources.  

During this Lenten season, St. Monica School began supporting a local organization that has a far-reaching impact and is rooted in deep Christian faith and values.  Just One More Ministry (JOMM) is a food bank who has made it their mission to “rescue” some of the massive amounts of fresh food that go to waste in our country on a daily basis, even as many people do not know where their next meal will come from.  JOMM then distributes food to local organizations, churches and many other facilities to help feed those who are in need, all while following wherever and however God sees fit to guide them.  They have an incredible story that can be found on their website, which is linked (with other video links) below.

St. Monica School has begun to form a partnership with JOMM which will help us connect to serving others who are in need. We asked students to offer a Gift of Dollarsby giving a dollar (or more) each Friday of Lent.  The generosity of our families amounted to $800 raised for JOMM support.

We are now asking our families to consider a Gift of Time” in the form of volunteering at the JOMMS facility, which is located at 4180 N. Lydell St., Glendale. This location is only 2.6 miles from St. Monica Church and School, thus conveniently located for volunteering opportunities.  It is our goal to have St. Monica families become involved as a reliable and ongoing source of volunteer efforts at JOMM.  

It would be wonderful to have St. Monica Parish members join in this support of an organization that gives so much to so many!  Signing up to volunteer  is very easy on the JOMM website. Click on the “Volunteer” tab, look at the volunteering needs, and sign up right on the site.  The site clearly indicates where there is need of volunteers, or if slots have been filled for a particular day and area.

It is our hope that the entire St. Monica Community can find the time in our schedules and the willingness in our heart to help us build a partnership with an organization that works tirelessly to fulfill God’s will.  Please see the JOMM website for details on who and how JOMM serves, and links to videos with more information.

If you would like to hear from the founder and CEO of Just One More Ministry directly, please consider joining us on the evening of Thursday, April 18th for the St. Monica School Report presentation at 6:30pm in Donovan Hall.  Chris will be speaking early in the program to give an overview of JOMM’s history and service.  Of course, feel free to stay for the entire program to hear about what’s currently happening at St. Monica School.  Light 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss further!

Lynn LeRoy


JOMM Website

JOMM in the News

JOMM Volunteer Sign-up Page